February 7th, 2008, is the official start of the Chinese New Year. This has always been a fun time for our family. We celebrate by decorating the house with lanterns and decorations that we acquired in Chicago's Chinatown and on our last trip to China. I've had the privilege of attending my daughter's classrooms and teaching the kids some of the traditions of the Chinese New Year. We like to dress up in our fanciest Chinese clothing and each student goes home with a hong bao (lucky red envelope) with chocolate coins inside.
One of our families favorite Chinese New Year traditions is to go to an annual gathering put on by Sunnyridge Family Center, a local adoption agency. If you live in the Chicagoland area, I encourage you to attend. There is live entertainment (some adult entertainers and some children's dancing groups), games, crafts, vendors selling Chinese gifts, and a raffle. There is also Chinese food available. Staff from theAsianBridge will also be there so please stop by our table and say hello.
Chinese New Year Celebration
Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008
12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
Location: College of DuPage - Student Resource Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL.
Adults $11.00
Children $5.00 (children under 2 are free)
Activity Punch Cards $5.00
The Putian Welfare Institute Humanitarian Aid and the Special Needs Services through Sunny Ridge Family Center are among the programs benefitting from donations and proceeds of the Chinese New Year Event. For more information visit http://www.sunnyridge.org/ or call 630-754-4504.
Xin Nian Kuai Le!........................................Happy New Year!
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