Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why go more than 150 yards from boat launch........

Well we fished Chemong, we fished the Indian River, we fished fish; couldn't buy a fish. So the significant other says "Why don't we just put the boat in at the launch in town. So I figured since my suggestions hadn't worked to well..........we'll give it a try. So in at the launch at 150 yards, tie up to the railroad trestle...........first cast with a tube jig; she lands the first small mouth. Fifth cast with a tube jig........second fish.........a few minutes later.the third. I did have a nice keeper on for 3.2 milliseconds........but my luck this year hasn't been the best. I did land a small.......9 inch smallmouth but through him back. So I guess I'll let the significant other chose our next destination.

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