Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Driving in UK using SAT NAV (GPS)

We are familiar with GPS, but in UK, they called it SAT NAV (Satellite Navigation) or Tom Tom (another brand name). Without SAT NAV, I was wondering how I am going to survive some 12 days of driving covering some 2300 miles. I remembered that 5 years ago, I had only a map from Google/AA to guide me. And yet I also arrived at the destination. But whatever...
... driving with SAT NAV or map could be stressful. It could bring ...
... me through busy motorway where 24/30 wheeler were so intimidating. I could feel the suction as I pass them! Also, ...
... it could successfully guide me through "A road" or smaller road. The challenge came when ...
... it guided me through tiny farm road! Is this a two way road or single way. I drove in this road for 2 miles and I was worried. However, I didn't meet any oncoming car! The beauty is that I also...
... get to see the beauty of the wild. If I had been on motorway, I couldn't stop to take photos! And, ...
... it also successfully guide me to a "two caravans" holiday site which is surrounded by beautiful farmland. I will blog about this tomorrow. This place is "quite remote" but reaching there is easy for my Garmin (SAT NAV)!
British drivers are courteous. If not, you can always ring up the company and complain if he is driving a company car! If they flash their headlight, it means "you go" or "thank you". Over here, it means "me first"! Sometime, I can see that I am causing stress to other drivers as my navigator (Janice) tried to figure out a complicated junction. I am totally dependent on my SAT NAV to guide onto the correct lane.
British are very committed to handling complain. British Gas has just been fined GBP2.5 million for not responsive to customer's complain and did poorly on customer care! Will this ever happen in Malaysia?

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